Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti Sentenced to death by US conned court.

- Chairman of the Iraqi Revolutionary Command Council
- 5th President of Iraq
- In office July 16, 1979 – April 9, 2003
- Preceded by Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr
- Succeeded by Coalition Provisional Authority
- Born April 28, 1937Tikrit, Iraq
- Political party Ba'ath Arab Socialist Party
Saddam Hussein, the former president of Iraq,

When the judge announced the sentence, Saddam appeared shaken. However he soon recovered and shouted: “Hidup Iraq! Hidup rakyat Iraq! Allah lebih besar daripada penceroboh!” Saddam was found guilty by the Iraqi High Tribunal for ordering the killing of 148 Shiah civilians in the town of Dujail in 1982.
The court said that he and his fellow defendants had ordered the

If the judgement stands, however, Saddam must be executed within 30 days of the appeals panel delivering its verdict, which has to be ratified by Jalal Talibani, the Iraqi president.
Saddam, 69, said that he wants to be executed by firing squad. However Iraqi law states that he will be executed by hanging. Saddam was the president of Iraq from 1979 to 2003, when his Sunni-dominated government was deposed by a US-led invasion.
This is totally fraudulent judge by aggressionist police country that had make figurehead control government and sentenced to hang Saddam Hussein by US conned court. This is truthly invasion to a princely country that just been suspected keeping a masive destroyer weapon. It was a fake defamation ! and we believe it just a dirty reason to invade Iraq. But then, finally there is no evidence to show to the world and only left if expired mini short missile that can't even destroyed a tiny cheap US tank. It was a blast shammed splash on to dirty bush clown face, when they announced to the world that they cannot find any demolish weapon in Iraq's land. The whole world knew that George W. Bush is a big paradox liar and we can't even trust one fairy story from him. By invading Iraq, Muslim people is being marked as a terrorist and there is different class between Muslim and christian people. Religious fight happens every where in the world just because Bush decided to declaimed a war to Muslim people directly. Country that refused to co'operate with US, will marked as terrorist nest and they will do anything to pressure that country.

Finaly, Iraq has back to the Iron Age where the conflict phenomenon look's like 1500 years ago. Today kiling is hapening almost every where even in holy place like mosque, you can hear bomb explode every where, unofficial sniper appear everyday, their house and town building spoil and waiting to collapse, their economy drop like hell, aggregate unemployment increasing to destroy level, people keep fighting for living everyday, their oil 'kene rembat' at least few hundred giant tanker ship, their people are being abused and tortured by US army, Iraq's Muslim women being rape by unmoral army and the latest news Saddam Hussein has been sentenced to death by his own people that traitor to him, country and religion.
The court will review back the case and will decide wether or not to allow the trial.
Saddam mandatory punishment will done after 30 days from yesterday. Let us pray to ALLAH may he get bless and set him free from the fake punishment that created by infidel human that we believe those infidel human are our enemy. Saddam Hussein in also known as Iraqis Lion.
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