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There are 92 known cases of nuclear bombs lost at sea
The very first bomb that the Allies dropped on Berlin in World War II killed the only elephant in the Berlin Zoo, it is said. The NATO attack on Serbia in 1999 (the Kosovo war) killed more animals than people. "Smart" weapons, such the Tomahawk missile is supposed to hit a postage stamp at 300km or more (200 miles or more). But only two out of thirteen actually hit the target. One skimmed over the house of a small farmer a few kilometres (miles) off target, straight up a track, through bushes, and exploded in the farmer's field, killing seven sheep, one cow and a goat. The farmer kept the missile nosecone as a souvenir.
The US Department of Defence (DoD) first published a list of nuclear weapon accidents in 1968 which detailed 13 serious nuclear weapon accidents between 1950-1968. An updated list released in 1980 catalogued 32 accidents. At the same time, documents released by the Navy under the Freedom of Information Act cited 381 nuclear weapon incidents between 1965 and 1977.
A number of nuclear cases involve ships or submarines colliding at sea or, in some cases, submarine nuclear power units becoming unstable and the subs having to be abandoned. According to Greenpeace there have been more than 120 submarine accidents since 1956. The most recent incident, in August 2000, was the loss of the Russian nuclear submarine Kursk in the Barents Sea. The Kursk is the seventh nuclear submarine lost, five of them Russian, two American.
Today, 30 over country is chasing for nuclear !
- Iran, Brazil, Australia, Argentina dan South Africa is intended to have nuclear technology for developing power in their country.
- Canada, German, Sweden, Belgium, Switzerland, Taiwan, Spain, Hungary, Czeh Republic, Slovakia and Lithuania is already have the source to create the massive weapon and they are waiting for the suitable time to start doing it.
- Mesir, Bangladesh, Ghana, Indonesia, Jordan, Namibia, Moldova, Nigeria, Poland, Thailand, Vietnam and Yemen. This poor country are planing to have nuclear weapon at their country. They should focusing on their economy first before spend a lot of money to invest this high end technology.
- Malaysia. Is the only country free from weapon that can destroy the earth. blablabla ...
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